Crop Walk

Crop Walk
Sunday, October 27, 2019, 1:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Location: St. Joseph's Church, 216 Comly Road, Lincoln Park, Lincoln Park, NJ US 07035

Raise Donations and Walk for Hungry and Starving People at Church World Services (CWS) Crop Walk - Sunday, October 27 – meet at 1:15 PM  

St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Lincoln Park  (see insert today)

Joining others in the community on October 27 for a short 3 mile walk to raise money for CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty).  CROP raises money to provide resources to empower people so that they can overcome poverty.  From seeds and tools, to wells and water systems, to technical training and micro-enterprise loans, they work together to identify their own development priorities, their strengths and their needs. Additionally, a portion of the money raised is donated to the Pequannock Food Pantry. Register at or 

contact Eileen Bundz for more information or to support a walker   or


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