Adult Education

Discipleship is the ongoing transformation of our hearts, our minds and our lives.  

We believe that discipleship is a lifelong journey.  There is never a time in our lives when we can be satisfied with our growth or our certainty.  Certainty is about being right.  Faith is about being guided by what’s right and training yourself to do it.

FRC’s worshiping community welcomes faith with all the doubts, the questions and the mystery.  Our hope is to provide space and opportunities for exploration and inquiry, questioning and listening, dialogue and discernment.  There is also nothing like participating in hands-on service to deepen your faith and put it in action. Throughout the year, we offer many opportunities for missional service and group study groups.

Men's Bible Study

The FRC Men's Bible Study meets the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 9:00-10:00 AM from September to May. We always welcome new members to joins us.

Since the virus quarantine, we have been meeting online via Zoom. To join the Zoom meeting, please contact Tom Kamp at   to get the link emailed to you. The link usually goes out Friday evening before the Saturday meeting.

Upcoming Study Opportunities:
Fall Study Opportunity: Deep Steep  (Begins on September 15th)

Ever wish you had an opportunity to dive deeper into listening and learning about the scripture passages used each Sunday? This Bible Study is for you! Scripture is meant to be soaked in, steeped in, as we intentionally listen for how God is speaking to our lives. Perhaps you can hear this intention in the Hebrew word for “meditate”, “La’ asoak”, which to our English understanding ears sounds like a command to “soak” in something.

The “Deep Steep” Bible study will create space for participants to slow down, engage with scripture, and listen for the Spirit’s voice. Meeting each Sunday after the second worship service, the study will begin with five minutes for participants to have “sermon talk-back” before engaging the scripture passage for the following Sunday with two different listening practices. Pastor Stacey and Pastor Dave will share leadership of this Bible study alternating leadership with the leader being whoever will be preaching the following week. We hope you can join us for this study, a personal favorite of Pastor Stacey’s, who created and used this study in two previous churches. This Bible Study is open to everyone: first time bible readers and seasoned bible enthusiasts alike will be able to engage scripture and listen with the Spirit as guided in the study. Feel free to drop in for one study or for all of them. Everyone is welcome!

The study will meet in the Blue Room on Sundays from 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. and runs from September 15th - November 24th. Grab your coffee/ tea after worship and join us!